11月16日(土)開催の、「はちみつランチ会 in 大文字山」にキャンセルが出ましたので、再度募集させて頂きます。当日の詳細並びに、お申し込み方法は、コチラか、お電話 075-200-2913 まで。
We are afraid that we cannot accept your subscription for the event this time because the insurance of climbing mountain, which we have to enroll for this event, is not available for foreign citizens.
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. But, if it rains at that day, we will organize the seminar of honey instead of climbing mountain, which you are welcome to join. So, please let me know if you are interested in the seminar.
Best regards,
Au Bon Miel
当日のお楽しみ!はちみつランチは、今回、山道具とごはん 麓さんに作って頂きます。麓さんの詳しくは、コチラ。